The Spacent Blog:
Exploring the Frontiers of Space


Spacent team

Jun 16th 2023

More desks with external screens available in the Helsinki area

External screens have always been one of the most requested amenities by Spacent users. In fact, when searching for spaces with certain amenities in Spacent App, 37% searches include an external monitors. The second searched amenity is a phone booth, with 10% of searches – so external screens are by far the most needed. And […]


Spacent team

Jun 13th 2023

Newest features to boost your bookings

We’re introducing a bunch of new features that have been requested by our users. Our aim is to make working from offices as easy and managable as possible for both individual users and company customers, and the following features are here to support just that. Find your favourite spaces easily You can now star your […]


Spacent team

Sep 23rd 2022

Tutustu uusiin toimintoihin Spacentin sovelluksessa

Hakutyökalu ja palautteen anto Työtilojen verkostomme laajenee nopeasti. Sovelluksestamme löytyy jo yli 310 coworking-lokaatiota Suomessa, Ruotsissa, Virossa, Kreikassa, Espanjassa ja Itävallassa. Siksi olemme kehittäneet hakutyökalun helpottamaan ja nopeuttamaan haluttujen tilojen etsimistä ja varaamista. Olemme julkaisseet ensimmäisen version hakutyökalusta Löydä tila-näkymään – voit hakea tiloja joko kaupungin tai tilan nimen mukaan! Koska kyseessä on ensimmäinen versio […]


Spacent team

Sep 7th 2022

Introducing ”Invite a guest” with Spacent!

One could argue that the office of today is as much about the encounters and meeting colleagues as it is about finding a quiet and ergonomic desk. Spacent now introduces the newest addition to our business account users – bring a guest with you for free!  Want to bring a customer to the coworking space […]


Spacent team

Feb 25th 2022

New team features in the Spacent App

Spacent app now has even more features to help teams with hybrid work. The newest app version makes it trouble-free for our users to see where and when their colleagues and team members are working, so you’ll never miss a chance to work with your favourite coworkers! You can browse through your colleagues’ reservations both […]


Spacent team

Nov 29th 2021

Introducing Team features in Spacent App

In the latest App version, we introduce Team features, which have been designed to help our users to find and work with their colleagues easily. With the new Home page view, it is now quick and easy to find where your team members will be working during the following days. You can also take a […]


Spacent team

Oct 7th 2021

Introducing new App features: Home view and filtering

In the latest App version, we introduce a brand new Home view that lets our users see their latest visits in a more intuitive way. In addition, the view offers specially curated lists that help our users find the the workplaces that meet their needs. Also the internal office spaces and partnership spaces that are […]


Spacent team

Sep 10th 2021

Improving team work possibilities with Project Spaces

As remote work recommendation has been loosened, there is a rising demand for more team-oriented spaces. However, flexibility is still crucial, even with private spaces needed for long term use. To answer to this need, we are introducing Project Spaces as part of our offering in the Spacent application. Project spaces are ideal for teams looking […]


Spacent team

Jun 22nd 2021

Spacent Application Is Now Available for Everyone, for Free!

Until now, we have only offered our hybrid workplace platform to businesses, and allowed access to our application for users with an active membership subscription. However, we aim for a world where everyone can choose sustainable ways of work, and places to work from, for themselves. To achieve this, our team has been working hard […]