Spacent team · Jun 1st 2021
Launch in Sweden & collaboration with Akademiska Hus
Spacent launches end-to-end service for hybrid workplaces in Sweden and enters into co-operation with A Working Lab to open up campuses to a wider audience in three campus locations in Solna, Gothenburg and Umeå. Akademiska Hus will provide its selected A Working Lab locations for corporate users through the Spacent platform.Spacent provides the broadest network of remote working locations in the Nordics and the network of working locations are now expected to grow rapidly. The locations are simply accessed by the end user in the app on demand. The platform is built to support a long-term hybrid workplace strategy and to provide the employer with updated data to be able to take the right decisions for their employees NOW and in the FUTURE. The advanced algorithm and data provided by the system is an important part of the solution and will be supporting our customers throughout our collaboration. The service is developed by a team with a long experience from commercial property sector.
A Working Lab is Akademiska Hus’ national concept for co-working, makerspace, short-term leases, Learning Lab and other flexible meeting places. This service offering creates a setting in which completely new ways of researching, working and studying can thrive in the property company’s campus-based premises. In the autumn of 2019, A Working Lab – Johanneberg Science Park opened at Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg, in May 2020 A Working Lab Innomedicum opened in Solna and in September 2020 A Working Lab Universum opened at campus in Umeå.
Photo by Akademiska Hus
“We have been preparing for Spacent’s launch in Sweden during the last couple of months. Also, the collaboration with Akademiska Hus has been going on for quite some time and is one important part of the puzzle,” says Antti Tuomela, CEO of Spacent.
To read more about the collaboration with Akademiska hus and the full story, please click here.
Interested in what kind of locations we have to offer in Sweden? You can search all of our locations here.