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Spacent team · Oct 27th 2022

Meet the team – Petteri

Meet Petteri – our Senior Software Developer in the Spacent team! If there’s something we’re missing – this is our go-to guy!

What name/nickname do you prefer to be called?
– Petteri

* If you could write your own job title that best describes what you do here, what would it be?
– Software Factotum

* What do you enjoy about the work you do?
– Building stuff that’s useful and helps other people in their lives and do their thing.

* What are your hobbies?
– Climbing badly, playing games of all sorts, going to the theatre & opera.

* Top three podcast/books/movies?
– The Dollop is a fun podcast. Everyone should read The Dispossessed by Ursula Le Guin. Singing in the Rain makes me happy every time I see it.